GT 250 Project

My new project: a Suzuki GT 250
a trip to my own past

Since August 1977 I have my motorcycle driving license -
crazy enough 2 years later than the one for  cars.

But that is another matter.

My first bike was a Suzuki GT 250, which I bought in summer 1977.

A small 2-stroke rocket, which Suzuki sold at that time as a so-called "Kistenmotorrad" (directly from the overseas box for assembly) for 2998,00 DM (that are German Marks for the later born ones) in Germany.

I bought it for the price - fortunately in assembled condition, because then as now I was equipped with two left hands.

So - that's the keyword: my two left hands

exactly one reason why I started this blog.

Guys - I need your help - the help of a web community of 2 stroke nut runners who can help me with tips if necessary.


This is my project:

As far as I remember my former 2-stroke racer looked like like the picture above.

I only had the bike for about half a year, but somehow it made a lasting impression with its low weight combined with the bitingly gripping two-stroke engine.

Approximately at mileage 18,000 (km) I burned a beautiful hole in the piston. 
I still had it on display as a trophy for some time.

I then drove other machines,

I would like to see the picture of the golden Suzi again live before me, if possible with a German H(istory)-license, in order to be safe for the future that this 2-wheeled environmental noise and pollution desaster suddenly has no more road permission due to expected new environmental laws.

Like we say in German: That will be ein harter Weg

...this here shows the present poor condition of my dream:

